Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Falling behind again

We are now back into fall season with everybody underway in their preseason practices as of yesterday. This year, we had a different wrinkle since the football team didn't start until four days after everybody else did. It is unusual because in most years past, the other teams either started after football or on the same day.

The worst of these arrangements is having everybody starting the same day, bar none. It makes it very difficult to spend time with each team when they all start at the same time and I find myself being pulled to football more often than not for many minor details. (Usually a helmet needs some air added or removed.  Ironically that just happened as I was typing this too.) If I had one wish for the OHSAA during this time of the year, it would be to make sure that we keep some sort of staggered start to the fall seasons.  It doesn't matter to me who goes first, (although I like the later start to football) since it is a lot easier for many of us who deal with every sport.

Beyond that, we seem to be having a very cool and dry summer in northeast Ohio this year. Despite the lower risk of heat illness, it is still vitally important to maintain hydration levels since the temperatures are expected to climb somewhat over the next couple of weeks. It is my hope that the temperatures do not spike on one day (like opening night) and have all the kids wilting on the field since they were unprepared for the heat.

Finally, I am also heading back to school for a second Masters degree in applied exercise science so that I can sit for the corrective exercise specialist exam and add that those credentials after my name as well. At the pace that I am going on that, I may have multiple alphabets after my name by the time I am done.

Hopefully, in all of this and my family life, I will still find the time to be more active on this blog.  It may even become more important for me to do so just to maintain my sanity at times. Here is to hoping that everything goes well!