Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Repeated TBI and Lou Gehrig's Disease?

Researchers will publish an article tomorrow in the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology that links repeated head injuries to Lou Gehrig's disease, according to Alan Schwarz of the New York Times. In Mr. Schwarz's article he describes that Lou Gehrig's disease may not be the same as A.L.S. as it has been thought for the last 70 years. In fact, the researchers hypothesize that it is an entirely new condition that presents like A.L.S. The researchers site different protein strains are at work in the brain for Lou Gehrig's disease that aren't found with A.L.S.

Mr. Schwarz also does an exceptional job recounting the number of reported injuries that Lou Gehrig suffered during his career in his article. With the details that he gives, it makes me shudder to think that he was allowed to RTP. Of course, that was a different era of sports medicine that didn't recognize the risks involved with letting him RTP. I will look forward to reading the research tomorrow and see what their findings are.

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