Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wow, this could be really big.

Last week, the Columbus Dispatch published a week-long series of articles that looked at the culture of youth sports in America, and specifically, in Ohio.  This series was referenced in by previous post dated August 29th, 2010.  It now appears that in response to this series of articles, that the OHSAA is willing to reach out and provide leadership and oversight to the many recreational programs in Ohio that offer youth sports.  This would be a large undertaking that would require a vast expansion of staff and finances for the OHSAA.  I find this to be very interesting since the article indicates that Governor Strickland would be in favor of looking at this and possibly pushing the state legislature to provide funding for it.  This could be a huge market increase for athletic trainers as well since it only makes sense that we will be called on to assist in the development of programs.  This would not only create a much larger market of jobs for LATs in Ohio, but would also create a big shortage of LATs.  Things could get interesting VERY quickly if this goes well.

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