Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Congratulations to Pennsylvania

It is nice to see that state legislatures are taking this issue of TBI in youth athletics seriously even though it bucks the trend of the culture surrounding youth sports.  Pennsylvania became the 32nd state to enact similar legislation to help protect the young athlete.  The interesting part in Pennsylvania is that it requires a suspension of any coach caught breaking this law.  I find that to be a very positive step even though it may be hard to enforce.

Unfortunately, it does appear that certain other uninformed, yet boisterous individuals got their outdated opinions heard and the law reflects that.  While athletic trainers are designated specifically, the physicians are allowed to designate people that they trust to return an athlete to play in a timely manner.  I understand that this individual was nowhere to be seen or heard from when the bill was being signed.  It is truly a shame that he could not be bothered to show after he decided to interject himself and his ridiculous opinions into the conversation.

Finally, I am now wondering where my home state, Ohio is on its bill.  It has been sitting in committee for months now with little to no movement and it seems to have stalled.  There have been no updates released about the legislation in a couple of months now and I am beginning to worry about it.  I trust our state legislature is still working on getting it passed in a timely manner.

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