Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Final Forms

The new system for Perry's athletic department forms can be found at Perry Final Forms. All of the forms that your son or daughter will need for the upcoming school year, whether they are middle school or high school, can be found on this website. The only form that will require you to print it out is the physical form. The physical cannot be be done completely online since our families will be going to many different physicians to get this part completed. To attempt to do the physical online is impractical since every physicians office would also need their own identifying code to be able to sign the form. This would incur a great cost with programming and maintenance that neither the school district nor the company behind the online forms are willing to incur or pass on to parents.

We hope that you find the new forms easier to use and keep in mind that the athletics department is looking to be the test market for possibly doing this with all of our school forms for next year. This would cut down on the redundancy of forms and make your lives as parents, easier. If you have any comments on this system, please direct them to me or to the athletic department.

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